A downloadable explanation

Theory and Analysis:DEATH & REBIRTH of MEANING

This article bears the unpleasant designation of "Stub." This is a Bad Thing. Provide a great service to NGE fan-geeks everywhere by making it awesomer! 

An actual explanation, if you're not familiar with the source material.  Neon Genesis Evangelion is a mecha anime from the 90s that was extremely confusing when I first watched it (and only slightly confusing when I rewatched it a month ago).  A lot of the writing/imagery in it feels like / is confirmed to have just been thrown in because it looks cool (its religious imagery is infamous for this).  I also think it looks cool, so the actual environment of DEATH & REBIRTH of MEANING is directly inspired by the last scene in one of the movies, The End Of Evangelion.  But even I think that this is a surface-level way of reading the series.  The actual depth of this game is meant to come from once you go underwater.  I copy-pasted all the lines from Theory and Analysis articles on EvaGeeks.org, all genuine writings by fans of Eva.  It's quite fun to read through them on your own, and I recommend it if you've watched it before.  I guess that the game touches on a lot of points that can be summed up as "the death of the author."  I think that people theorizing on the original work and its meaning gives it new meaning and creates interesting new ways of looking at the source material.  I wanted to appreciate that, so I decided to make this game.  If you think it's pretentious, that's fine!  I feel that way about Evangelion a lot too, but I still like it.

also rei is there

Commentary & Criticism

  • "At some point I saw like a lot of glowy spheres and an anime girl and got extremely alarmed though. I’m not sure what that was. But it sure looked cool."
  • "I saw that anime girl for a moment but it disappeared before I could get a good look at it – it’s pretty incongruous with the rest of the world you’ve built – why is she there and what does she mean ? is it important to have and develop a character in this world? Why is she the only thing drawn in this art style?"
  • "I love the contrast of the rocky texture against the disorienting blood lake."
  • "The VVVVVVVV text was really weird but it worked, even though it’s not as visually part of the Evangelion aesthetic."
  • "I like the religious imagery and the mixing of blood and milk, and it feels like I am inside the mind of someone who is thinking about purity and impurity."

Only one commenter in the class this was made for recognized it as an Evangelion-based game, but I enjoyed every comment that was made very much.  This fun and all-over-the-place theorization is what I love about talking to others about media, and it's flattering to have people analyze my own work.  Thank you!  You can submit your own fan theories here, if you'd like.

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